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Policy 3.9
Technology Plan Policy
Adopted Date: June 2011
Reviewed: July 2023
Review Date: July 2025
Purpose of the Policy
The West Lincoln Public Library wishes to implement a Technology Plan that supports the Library’s Mission Statement to ensure equitable access to popular and reference materials in a variety of formats for all members of the community, to support lifelong learning, and to encourage young children to develop an interest in reading.
The West Lincoln Public Library will endeavour to acquire appropriate technology to support the circulation of both fiction and non - fiction material in formats requested by the community. These could include, but not be limited to Internet access, audio books, e-books, music, photocopying and/or scanning capabilities, educational technologies and automated circulation technology.
To acquire these technologies, and to stay current with patron demands, the West Lincoln Public Library Board will consider ongoing operational and capital costs, collaboration with other groups, potential risk of theft, and efficient use of existing equipment. When purchasing new equipment and/or programs, the West Lincoln Public Library Board will adhere to the Purchasing Policy of the Township of West Lincoln.