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Policy 3.13

Trespass Policy

Adopted Date: May 2014
Reviewed Date: July 2023
Review Date: July 2027

Purpose of the Policy

To define the procedures relating to the issuing of a Trespass to Property Notice at the West Lincoln Public Libraries.


The West Lincoln Public Library strives to maintain an appropriate atmosphere conducive to the perusal and selection of materials by our patrons. To this end, any excessive disruption by a patron or patrons that is deemed by the staff to be loud, offensive, dangerous to others and/ or in defiance to our posted Internet Policy, may result in the issuing of a Notice of Trespass Pursuant to the Trespass to Property Act, RSO 1990, c. T.21, S.3.

If deemed necessary by library personnel, the police may be called to aid in the enforcing of this policy and/or to distribute a No Trespass order.

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