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Policy 3.11
Emergency Procedures Policy
Adopted Date: June 2011
Reviewed Date: November 2021
Review Date: December 2024
Purpose of the Policy
The West Lincoln Public Library Board is committed to providing a safe and healthy work environment for staff, volunteers and members of the public who use the library. The board is also committed to protecting library property. The board, CEO, and library employees share the responsibility to ensure a safe and secure workplace.
The West Lincoln Public Library Board will ensure that funding, time and resources are dedicated to training staff in safety, security and emergency procedures.
The board requires each individual staff member to take responsibility for his or her own health and safety, as well as that of the library users. Each person will take initiative on health and safety issues and will work to solve problems and make improvements on an ongoing basis.
The CEO, in conjunction with the Township’s Health and Safety Committee, will develop safety programs that include procedures, implementation plans, enforcement, and reporting for:
- safe work practices, including WHIMS, ergonomics, harassment, and indoor air quality;
- events that compromise the safety and health of staff and the public, including infectious disease, bomb threats, harmful, abusive and dangerous behaviour by individuals, and medical emergencies;
- crime prevention, including theft, vandalism, and drug dealing and/or use; and,
- disasters that threaten collections, furniture and equipment, including fire and flood.
Closing the library may be necessary in emergency situations or catastrophes including, but not limited to, extreme weather and power failure. The primary consideration is the safety of all persons in the building and on the property. The CEO or designate will determine when to close the library during an emergency, catastrophe or unforeseen circumstances. The Library CEO or designate will communicate the decision to close some or all of the library locations to the Library Board Chair, the CAO of the Township of West Lincoln and if the Smithville location, the West Lincoln Community Centre staff. The Library website, and all library social media accounts will be updated with the pertinent information as soon as possible.
All measures taken by the Board, CEO or staff of West Lincoln Public Library will comply with the Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations, R.S.O. 1990